Wes Anderson is one of the most original and innovative directors in the industry. With his colorful costumes, innovative camerawork, and zany characters, it's impossible not to fall in love with his films. His style is so succinct and recognizable, and is insanely fun to watch one of his films. The storyline to The Grand Budapest Hotel unique and some might even say strange, but it instantly grabs your attention and only gets wilder and the film progresses. You're constantly left wondering what in the world is going to happen next and how the characters are going to deal with it. The characters are extremely well written, especially the beautiful bond between Zero and Gustave. The film is insanely colorful and exuberant, which is a stark difference between most films of today that are dark and dreary; it's a nice change of pace. The detail with set and costumes does not go unnoticed in this masterpiece This film, in my opinion, is a must watch for everyone and is truly a work of art. It's probably Wes Anderson's best film; it has gorgeous visuals, excellent acting, and an overall wonderful story. If you're a film lover and overall appreciator, then this film is perfect for you.
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