This is definitely one of the most complex, confusing movies I have ever seen in my entire life. After finishing it for the first time, I had no idea what the film was about or what I had even watched. This intense sci-fi/fantasy/horror film focuses on Donnie Darko, a boy suffering from sleep walking and apparent hallucinations. Donnie is informed that the world will come to an end within the month. This sparked curiosity and dread in Donnie as he decides to play hero and save the world. The film is written and directed in such an intricate and complex way that it can be hard to keep up sometimes. For those who instantly need straight answers or have limited attention spans, this is not the film for you. For those who like to continuously search for answers and meaning after a film, then this is perfect. I did a lot of research after watching the film countless times and I still don't have a complete grasp on the film or its meaning; I think that's what makes the film so great and captivating. If you love science fiction and fantasy, then this is a great movie.
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