World War Z came about during a time where zombie movies were extremely common and popular, however this film is a rather fresh take, preferring zombies that are more aware, able to plan, run, and attack much faster than the previously seen slow shambling zombies of past b-movie horror films. Much of the movies plot is centered around rescuing loved ones as well as finding a cure to fight back against the apocalyptic overrun of zombies. This movie is extremely interesting because it does not isolate the heroes to one place, but addresses how countries all over the world are affected by the zombie infestation. While the film does have some form of closure, it is still left open ended whether or not the heroes succeed in totality, and follows the example of other preceding zombie movies by leaving the viewers to wonder if the issue will be resolved and if the main characters are truly safe. A great movie with a rewatch ability factor, there is never a dull moment in this thriller.
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