This movie is beautiful and absolutely heartbreaking. The movie enraptures the story of a young girl who is sent to live in the country side in order to aid her lung sickness. While she is there she meets a werewolf. The boy is unused to modern society and has trouble acting socially appropriate or speaking. Slowly over the course of the story, the two fall in love, but the girl knows she will not be able to stay and give him the love he deserves. She comes back years later as an old woman, having gotten married and had children and grandchildren. However, the werewolf is immortal and has not aged. This is the worst part, wolves mate for life. Once the werewolf boy has fallen for her and she rejects him, he is stuck being alone for the rest of his existence while she ages and eventually dies. At one point she takes him to the forest and yells that he should leave because nobody loves him. At this point I was absolutely sobbing, well until after the films end. It’s heartbreaking, and has remained one of my favorite films. While the heart ache stays, I still highly recommend watching this film since this story is so relatable. There will always be a love that you can never have, a gorgeous film with an amazing cast, watch this movie if you want a good cry.
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