Season 3... If you approach any fan of the Game of Thrones franchise and ask them about or simply just utter the sound "Season 3" ... trust and believe me that you are going to be greeted with exclamations about DRAGONS! WE LOVE THE HOUND! THE RED WEDDING! Absolutely without a doubt, S3 E9 The Rains of Castamere was one of the best episodes in the history of television series by HBO. With Robb Stark presenting himself to Walder Frey, to be brutally murdered alongside his pregnant wife and his mother Catelyn Stark marks a turning point in the fate of the Stark family, which I feel was emphasized by the symbol of the killing of Robb's direwolf, Grey Wind. For poor Arya to see her family and humilated even after their savage deaths, with a disturbing image of the Frey's attaching Robb's direwolf's head to his corpse upon a horse. Audiences will always be haunted by the words of Bolton; "The Lannisters send their regards."
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