Under Milk Wood

Under Milk Wood
1972 · Drama/Comedy · United States
1h 27m
Average Rating
This Dylan Thomas work is a delightful if peculiar story of a day in the life of a small, Welsh fishing village called "Llareggub" (read it backwards!). We meet a host of curious characters (and ghosts) through the 'eyes' of Blind Captain Cat. This is a true "Classic" of modern British writing with a wonderful, mischievous use of language. Under Milk Wood was Sinclair's first film and he was able to sign up Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor to the project with the help of O'Toole, Sinclair's long-term friend. Burton and Taylor were paid £10,000 each. Elizabeth Taylor was only available for three days of filming, which at her request took place in London. At £600, her three dresses took up half of the costume budget. It was the only film in which Burton, Taylor and O’Toole appeared together. It was shot on various locations in Wales and has since acquired a reputation among aficionados as a cult movie.

