Yukie Kitahara (Sayuri Yoshinaga) is a housewife and she has devoted her life to her family. Mako Goda (Yuki Amami) is a wealthy woman who runs a business. They are both diagnosed with terminal illnesses and are told they only have a short time left to live. These two women from completely different walks of life meet at the hospital. They both feel emptiness in their lives. They happen to get a 12-year-old's written bucket list. Yukie Kitahara and Mako Goda decide to carry out the girl’s wish list and they begin to feel happiness entering their lives.
カンヌ国際映画祭正式出品👀 話題の邦画❗️
カンヌ国際映画祭正式出品👀 話題の邦画❗️