Taste Analysis

Number of Ratings

  • 120
  • 103

Rating Distribution

You got your own taste'

  • 3.6
    Average Rating
  • 223
    Number of Ratings
  • 3.5
    Most frequent

Your favorite movie tags

Favorite Actors

Favorite Directors

Favorite Movies

  • UnitedStates
    Scored 96 48 titles
  • Japan
    Scored 95 45 titles
  • Canada
    Scored 90 12 titles
  • SpainScored 87 7 titles
  • UKScored 83 7 titles
  • KoreaScored 83 7 titles

Favorite Movie Genres

Either zombies or ghosts can't scare you away

  • Horror
    Scored 92 45 titles
  • Thriller
    Scored 91 65 titles
  • Action
    Scored 90 45 titles
  • MysteryScored 89 32 titles
  • DramaScored 87 42 titles
  • SFScored 84 27 titles

Total number of viewing hours

199 Hours

You've reached an average amount of time people spend watching movies. Let's go!