Table of Contents
Table of Contents
The IliadForeword Introduction Introduction to the 1950 Edition Notes on this Revision The Main Characters Further Reading Maps: 1. A reconstruction of Homer's imagined battlefields 2. The Troad 3. Trojan places and contingents 4. Homeric Greece 5. Greek contingents at Troy Preliminaries The Iliad 1. Plague and Wrath 2. A Dream, a Testing and the Catalogue of Ships 3. A Duel and a Trojan View of the Greeks 4. The Oath is Broken and Battle Joined 5. Diomedes' Heroics 6. Hector and Andromache 7. Ajax Fights Hector 8. Hector Triumphant 9. The Embassy to Achilles 10. Diomedes and Odysseus: The Night Attack 11. Achilles Takes Notice 12. Hector Storms the Wall 13. The Battle at the Ships 14. Zeus Outmanoeuvred 15. The Greeks at Bay 16. The Death of Patroclus 17. The Struggle Over Patroclus 18. Achilles' Decision 19. The Feud Ends 20. Achilles on the Rampage 21. Achilles Fights the River 22. The Death of Hector 23. The Funeral and the Games 24. Priam and Achilles Appendices 1. A Brief Glossary 2. Ommitted Fathers' Names Index