Spring in 1999. A group of middle-aged working-class friends meets for the 20th year reunion of their old factory worker’s association. While they sing and dance up a storm, their long-lost friend Yongho shows up, disrupting the party. He climbs on top of a railroad track and refuses to budge despite the danger of an approaching train. When he shouts, “I am going back,” time runs forward as the train goes back. [The 23rd Jeonju International Film Festival]
[모바일 리듬게임]블랙스타 -Theater Starless-
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블랙스타 -Theater Starless- · AD
[모바일 리듬게임]블랙스타 -Theater Starless-
나의 최애를 최고의 주인공으로 만들어보세요!
블랙스타 -Theater Starless- · AD