The story of a beautiful teenager Jim who, having traveled from rural Essex, finds himself in Soho where he falls in with a gang of unusual high class male escorts – The Raconteurs – who specialize in post-coital conversation. From shy novice to sought after escort, and eventually artist’s muse, Jim would be the toast of the town if it wasn’t for his annoying affliction – Stendhal Syndrome – a rare condition which causes him to hallucinate and faint. When Jim is roped into the world of detecting art forgery, could his condition bring about his downfall?
시원한 바람과 함께, 태양 아래 노을이 지는 순간 청춘폴나잇 페스티벌로 여러분을 초대합니다.
청춘폴나잇 · AD
시원한 바람과 함께, 태양 아래 노을이 지는 순간 청춘폴나잇 페스티벌로 여러분을 초대합니다.
청춘폴나잇 · AD