The plot follows Una, described as “an outsider in the events that unfold around her, even though she is in fact at their centre”. Because of a secret she carries around with her, she can’t claim the space she deserves in the grief that she experiences. Una has to make space for everyone else’s emotions whilst preserving her own dignity.
🧙⟨위키드⟩ 패키지 구매 한정 이벤트
자막+더빙+싱어롱 소장하면 3천 캐시 증정!
왓챠 개별 구매
🧙⟨위키드⟩ 패키지 구매 한정 이벤트
자막+더빙+싱어롱 소장하면 3천 캐시 증정!
왓챠 개별 구매