Cream Lemon: Ami on the Poolside

Poolside No Ami
2006 · Romance · Japan
1h 20m · G
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Ami, raised in China, is a high school student who practices Chinese martial arts and swimming. She comes back to Japan because of her mother's remarriage. Hiroshi, a careless college student, likes to take women’s pictures secretly. Hiroshi goes to a girls swimming pool locker room to take photos with his friend, Takimoto. When he gets home, Hiroshi sees Ami whom he saw at the locker room. Ami's mother and Hiroshi's father gets married and they go on a honeymoon, leaving the two alone in the house. Whenever Hiroshi tries to get near Ami, her martial arts prevents him but gradually they become closer…

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더욱 뜨겁게 돌아온 15번째 축제!

2024 여우락 페스티벌 · AD

여기 우리 음악이 있다

더욱 뜨겁게 돌아온 15번째 축제!

2024 여우락 페스티벌 · AD



