
2011 · Thriller · Canada
1h 26m
Average Rating
There is something seriously wrong with Kenneyville. When, a young woman, KIM (Kelsey Oluk), from Toronto goes missing and police mysteriously drop the case earlier than expected, two private detectives are hired to find her. With undercover aliases, CHARLIE (Dany Gehshan) and KELLY (Vanessa Broze) head to the small town of Kenneyville for answers after discovering significant clues. Upon meeting seemingly innocent locals, they end up in a shocking predicament of violence where Charlie is brutally beaten and Kelly is ruthlessly kidnapped.

[9주년] 해피 젝시 데이!

젝시믹스 9주년 기념 ~80% 빅 세일

젝시믹스 · AD

[9주년] 해피 젝시 데이!

젝시믹스 9주년 기념 ~80% 빅 세일

젝시믹스 · AD
