Just Super

Helt super
2022 · Animation/Family · Norway
1h 16m · G
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11-year-old gaming enthusiast Hedvig finds her life turned upside down when she is forced to replace her father as the town’s superhero much earlier than expected. But Hedvig is not a superhero, and the challenges are far greater than her coaching father anticipated. He soon realizes focus must shift to his athletic nephew Adrian instead. Dejected and confused, Hedvig visits her demented grandmother. As she starts talking about the situation, the grandmother lights up, eagerly respond­ing to her ramblings. An unlikely team emerges, and soon Hedvig is about to fulfil their family legacy without her father’s knowledge.

인터파크 MIX & MAX

올 여름 휴가, 인터파크가 쏜다!

인터파크 · AD

인터파크 MIX & MAX

올 여름 휴가, 인터파크가 쏜다!

인터파크 · AD