On August 16, midway through a seemingly endless summer vacation, middle school third-year student Nagara, the mysterious transfer student Nozomi, and classmates such as Mizuho and Asakaze, are suddenly transported from their tranquil daily lives to a school adrift in an alternate dimension. They must survive with the super powers that have awakened within them.
🧙⟨위키드⟩ 패키지 구매 한정 이벤트
자막+더빙+싱어롱 소장하면 3천 캐시 증정!
왓챠 개별 구매
🧙⟨위키드⟩ 패키지 구매 한정 이벤트
자막+더빙+싱어롱 소장하면 3천 캐시 증정!
왓챠 개별 구매