Based on a true story depicted in the non-fiction book “Gekokujou Kyuuji Mie Kenritsu Hakusan Koukou Koushien Made no Miracle.” The story follows Nagumo Shuuji, a social studies teacher at Mie Prefecture’s Etsuzan Senior High School, who was a former baseball player up until university when he quit after sustaining an injury. Thereafter, he worked as a sports trainer but returned to university at 32 years old in order to pursue his dream of becoming a teacher. However, his peaceful daily life goes through a change after he’s appointed to be the advisor of his school’s baseball club that is on the verge of abolition.
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🧙⟨위키드⟩ 패키지 구매 한정 이벤트
자막+더빙+싱어롱 소장하면 3천 캐시 증정!
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