Based of the popular Korean drama Queen In Hyun's Man, this Chinese version tells the same story of a love that happens between two people from different eras. Imperial scholar official, Gong Ming accidently time-travels two thousand years into the present where he meets actress Lin Xiang Xiang. Their story is one of love, fate, and commitment.
🧙⟨위키드⟩ 패키지 구매 한정 이벤트
자막+더빙+싱어롱 소장하면 3천 캐시 증정!
왓챠 개별 구매
🧙⟨위키드⟩ 패키지 구매 한정 이벤트
자막+더빙+싱어롱 소장하면 3천 캐시 증정!
왓챠 개별 구매