Taste Analysis

Number of Ratings

  • 2090
  • 139
  • 38
  • 16

Rating Distribution

You got your own taste'

  • 3.7
    Average Rating
  • 2283
    Number of Ratings
  • 4.0
    Most frequent

Your favorite movie tags

Favorite Actors

Favorite Directors

Favorite Movies

  • UnitedStates
    Scored 96 1260 titles
  • Korea
    Scored 92 383 titles
  • UK
    Scored 90 346 titles
  • FranceScored 83 193 titles
  • JapanScored 81 131 titles
  • GermanyScored 74 118 titles

Favorite Movie Genres

You have a cool and delicate soul

  • Drama
    Scored 94 1178 titles
  • Action
    Scored 90 526 titles
  • Comedy
    Scored 89 487 titles
  • ThrillerScored 88 726 titles
  • CrimeScored 86 377 titles
  • AdventureScored 83 306 titles

Total number of viewing hours

3858 Hours

A film professional in the top 0.01% of WATCHA users