

The OdysseyIntroduction Introduction The Spelling and Pronunciation of Homeris Names Maps: 1. Homeric Geography: Mainland Greece 2. Homeric Geography: The Peloponnese 3. Homeric Geography: The Aegean and Asia Minor Homer: The Odyssey Book 1: Athena Inspires the Prince Book 2: Telemachus Sets Sail Book 3: King Nestor Remembers Book 4: The King and Queen of Sparta Book 5: Odysseus-Nymph and Shipwreck Book 6: The Princess and the Stranger Book 7: Phaeacia's Halls and Gardens Book 8: A Day for Songs and Contests Book 9: In the One-Eyed Giant's Cave Book 10: The Bewitched Queen of Aeaea Book 11: The Kingdom of the Dead Book 12: The Cattle of the Sun Book 13: Ithaca at Last Book 14: The Loyal Swineherd Book 15: The Prince Sets Sail for Home Book 16: Father and Son Book 17: Stranger at the Gates Book 18: The Beggar-King of Ithaca Book 19: Penelope and her Guest Book 20: Portents Gather Book 21: Odysseus Stings his Bow Book 22: Slaughter in the Hall Book 23: The Great Rooted Bed Book 24: Peace Notes Translator's Postscript Genealogies Textual Variants from the Oxford Classical Text Notes on the Translation Suggestions for Further Reading Pronouncing Glossary