Winter Is Coming. And Winter Has Truly Arrived. Season 7 of HBO's popular series, Game of Thrones, truly highlighted the wrath of the White Walkers and their army of Whites/Wights. Season 7 greeted us with the main characters, Tyrion Lannister, Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen finally encountering each other all together. Season 7 also greeted us with the iconic moment where Daenerys dragon Viserion is turned into an Ice Dragon.. or is he only a White? Audiences can only wait until Season 8. Season 7 also led to the reuniting of the remaining Stark children, Sansa, Arya and Bran to catch the fly in a spider's web - Little Finger. The Lannister alliance between Jaime and Cersei finally breaks down! a moment all book fans and Jaime lovers have been anticipating for too long with the television series! Season 7 was an all round masterpiece!
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